Thursday, February 10, 2011

QA Automation Essentials

What should be set up on your workstation to successfully handle the automation tasks and to successfully ensure the quality of the objects you're testing. Here is the must-have list for starting the test automations

  1. Builders: Apache ANT. Actually you may automate almost all the manual activities on your workstation, not only build processes.
  2. Heavy-weight web browsers: Selenium.
  3. Light-weight web browsers: JMeter
  4. Virtual machine: VirtualBox
  5. Environment to start your framework: JRE 
  6. IDE to develop anything: Eclipse IDE
  7. Version control repository: SVN or GIT
  8. Statistics visualization tool: BIRT
  9. Office suite to keep the documentation: LibreOffice
These tools will help you to test fast, deliver the high quality and what is the most important you will work efficiently!

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